Saturday, July 05, 2003

Political maturity

I read this from BBC Persian site. Safar Morad Niazev the Turkmenistan’s president (self chosen life time) has announced that in the capital (Eshgh Abad which means city of love) except for cats, dogs and ornamental birds keeping any kind of domestic animal is going to be banned. The reason is that they stink and they don't let the nice smell of a flower which recently has been renamed after the president to be felt. The same president has changed the name of months of the year to something inspired from his mom and I am not kidding.
You want to know how mature are a political system and nation, just look at what the political leaders say and do. By the way I am not excluding Iran.

Thursday, July 03, 2003


I just read a comment from Colin Powel saying that US should not infer in Iranian internal affairs and Americans should not forget that Iranian president has been elected freely. On the other hand Rumsfeld is playing another tune. The same business with reformists and conservatives in Iranian politics?
It is a matter of time. If all foreign powers specially US could stop war mongering and inferring in Iranian affairs ( something that Iranians are culturally very sensitive to) people are going to straight their account with conservative fellows, hopefully in a peaceful way.