Wednesday, March 15, 2006

At the bottom of my heart I really badly want to kick the Americans' butts. You know it is a desire, it is something that would make me a bit relieved because of all their interventionist behaviors, but it is not the solution to anything. The problem is that why should any asshole like America be able to piss us off? Why during the contemporary history we have been manipulated so easy? Instead of working on our historical weaknesses we started to point at people and accusing them of being the root cause which is completely wrong, USA is not the cause of all the misfortunes we are dealing with, they are taking advantage of it, they are riding the wave, they don't create it. I am not saying they can't or they have not conspired at all, they have but in smaller scales. Our case, the Iranian case is different. We have to have a look at ourselves, why an asshole like USA should be able to piss us off at all?
We are not working wisely, we don't have democracy, we don't have any respect for our national interests, unlike Americans our national interests come after bunch of other unattainable and virtual stuff that in long run just destroy our limited resources and own people, we don't have any long term plan, we don't know who can be a friend (I am talking about Arab countries that are bunch of cowards not worth to be trusted at all).
Behaving emotional rather than rational is what has made our politics so destructive and dysfunctional.