Friday, June 20, 2003

Conspiracy Theory

I read an article from Mr. Behnoud. There was a mention of somebody who had commented that Americans would attack Iran if Iranians push to the end. But I don't think this attack is going to happen at all. I know I may sound like Daei Jaan Napoleon but I believe Iranian conservatives and Americans are cooperating to keep Iran as weak as possible. What I am seeing is a complete coordination among these two sides, they offer each other the required pretexts to undermine and put more pressure on Iranian people. Why should Americans want to topple Iranian regime? Why they don't do any thing against Saudi Arabia or Jordan or Egypt or...? Dictatorship is good and they like it, if they buy the dictator ( which experience has shown it to be possible) they own the country. The reason for which they are interested in Iran is that Iran is showing some kind of democratic behavior and Americans want to make sure that democracy is not going to happen here.

All my life I have been making fun of the people who use conspiracy theory to resolve all the issues. Now I am getting to believe in such a conspiracy in Iranian affairs. I can't believe that the American and Iranian conservatives have common interests just by accident.

If one day Americans attack Iran it will be just because we may have got too close to be a democratic and strong nation . Until then there is no rush for a military option because they are just doing well alonside with fellow Iranian conservatives in stopping the democratic process in Iran.
Too much Politics!?

The first time I decided to write in my web log it was not intended to be only political. When I look at the writings now, I see the majority of the postings are political. This is against my willing but it shows how much sensitive we are toward Iran's affairs even though we are not living in Iran.
I am going to try to write about other subjects too. It is good for me to turn to different stuff reserving some mental energy.
Act of terrorism or what?

I can not stop thinking to guys who burned themselves for objecting to the arrest of Maryam Rajavi and some other Mojaheds in France.
Burning oneself is not in my list of possible ways of protesting against something. My first impression is that this idea ( lets burn ourselves in objection to ...) is an organizational decision. I mean some guys have come up with this brilliant idea in Mojahedeen's higher hierarchy and then it has circulated among the members. Then like any other organization (even sadaam Hossein had his own Fadaee ) there are some obedient and loyal members who volunteer for anything prescribed and encouraged from higher levels of hierarchy. You remember the first Iraq's suicide bomber was an army officer, in another one two women were involved, one of them was pregnant. I can't see how an Iraqi army officer or a pregnant woman can volunteer for a suicide mission.

Another thing that suggests these burnings are the result of an organizational move rather than personal frustration is that there are more people burning themselves in each protest. If you look at the people that are burning you will see that they are mature and middle aged guys that usually their actions are expected to be rational rather than emotional. What I mean is that some devoted hard core members have executed this new organization's tactic to attract world's attention and that is not the result of personal despair at all. This is the same thing as suicide bombing. The violent act is a violent act either you apply it to your self or somebody else. This is scary because it is not personal, this comes from top. These guys burned themselves ( and their fellow Mojahed brother and sisters watched and hailed them burning), they could burn anybody else, it all depends on the orders and their leaders.
This is an act of terrorism, are'nt you terrorized looking at those Mojaheds burning in flames? Do you think people who set themselves on fire burn differently from other people being set on fire by somebody else? that scary act and result is there, the mentality is the same.

If there is going to be a judgment day I am sure many Iranian political figures are going to be in trouble, including the Rajavi family and Khomeini who should pay for all lives lost and all the human sufferings resulting from their lifetime achievements.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Self burning

I saw some very disturbing images of a few Mojahed people burning themselves. I was sick in the stomac. I could not believe that. I could not see why these guys do that. The most strange thing was that they are not young people. What kind of impression do they want really to give to world. I am so afraid of these guys, anybody who can do such a thing to himself won't show pity for somebody else.

I read a good article from Majid Mohamadi about khatami and Mojahedeen. I am critical of both sides but as he has nicely said there are some principles which should be applied to any human being.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Ebraim Nabavi has written a very nice letter to Khameneii
What should we do?

I read in the news that some of the Iranian intellectuals have signed and sent a letter to UN. One of the guys who has signed this letter is Ebrahim Nabavi. I read his interview about this letter and his motives to sign that. He was talking about the necessity of the involvement of the international community in Iranian issues. Like applying more sanctions and so on. I am not convinced if it is going to work that way. More sanctions is going to put more pressure on people. At the end government does not care about the resolutions and is going to buy the needed stuff from black market and the people are going to pay for that.

I really don't know what is the best thing to do, but I've got the feeling that the reactions of the international comunity( In particular the west) is very much dependent on their economical concerns and interests. On the other hand UN has just shown to lack enough autority dealing with much more important issues, so what should we expect from UN?

I don't see anyone else other than Iranian people being able and rightful to cleanup the mess.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

They sold Iranians to Saddam for nothing!

The most detested and disgusting political parties and groups in Iran are those who have betrayed their nation and have sold their people's dignity and pride for nothing. I am talking about the Mojahedeen e khalgh in particular. Even now I can't see how an Iranian can refuge to saddam's haven, the sworn enemy of Iranian people to fight for an allegedly Iranian cause.
For the simple members who have been in Iraq under strict military and organizational protocols I would show some understanding for the low level of the information and political insight. But I don't understand what is wrong with the outside supporters in the west? Is it realy that hard to see and understand the obvious facts and the very basic moral principles? I don't know. But I wish the violent movements in Iran will stop sometime and people get enough experience in life to know who is a friend and what treason and loyalty mean.

At the end I will be very happy to see them gone, as happy as seeing Ansar e Hezbollah and all other violent groups out of Iranian politics.

Monday, June 16, 2003

Violence can destroy us

Iranians does not afford another period of violence. Let's get cool and think, instead of blowing up everything.
I am seeing more people thinking that USA's meddling in Iran's affairs is damaging the reform movement. Some may believe that it is because of the lack of the information or experience of American administration about Iran and its political and cultural nature, but I believe strongly that Americans know exactly what they are doing.
Patience and reason

If we could be more patient and rational!
Sometimes I think because of the lack of leadership in reform camp the drive for democracy in Iran which is the youth's demands and presence could stop the reformist and democratic process. I am sure in a couple of years official reformers will be able to draw a line between their religeous beliefes and governing concepts. I think most of the Iranian people have already made that distinction and in that sense these politicians are lagging behind.
Just beautifully said

I just read this report about Dr. Soroush's speach in England. It makes lots of sense to me. Could you believe this system being capable of committing all kind of cruelty (I realy mean all kind ) in the name of god and religion? Mohsen Kadivar had recently compared the Islamic republic's judiciary system with the judiciary system of Pahlavi era, he had said that Pahlavi regime's judges (civil courts)were much more honest and knowledgable than these now clergy judges.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Read this article

Read this article from Gooya news. This is from Majid Mohammadi. I think he has done a very good analysis of these violent protests in Tehran. People should not play the hardliner's game ( any hardliner, right or left ) who are master of violence.