Friday, June 20, 2003

Act of terrorism or what?

I can not stop thinking to guys who burned themselves for objecting to the arrest of Maryam Rajavi and some other Mojaheds in France.
Burning oneself is not in my list of possible ways of protesting against something. My first impression is that this idea ( lets burn ourselves in objection to ...) is an organizational decision. I mean some guys have come up with this brilliant idea in Mojahedeen's higher hierarchy and then it has circulated among the members. Then like any other organization (even sadaam Hossein had his own Fadaee ) there are some obedient and loyal members who volunteer for anything prescribed and encouraged from higher levels of hierarchy. You remember the first Iraq's suicide bomber was an army officer, in another one two women were involved, one of them was pregnant. I can't see how an Iraqi army officer or a pregnant woman can volunteer for a suicide mission.

Another thing that suggests these burnings are the result of an organizational move rather than personal frustration is that there are more people burning themselves in each protest. If you look at the people that are burning you will see that they are mature and middle aged guys that usually their actions are expected to be rational rather than emotional. What I mean is that some devoted hard core members have executed this new organization's tactic to attract world's attention and that is not the result of personal despair at all. This is the same thing as suicide bombing. The violent act is a violent act either you apply it to your self or somebody else. This is scary because it is not personal, this comes from top. These guys burned themselves ( and their fellow Mojahed brother and sisters watched and hailed them burning), they could burn anybody else, it all depends on the orders and their leaders.
This is an act of terrorism, are'nt you terrorized looking at those Mojaheds burning in flames? Do you think people who set themselves on fire burn differently from other people being set on fire by somebody else? that scary act and result is there, the mentality is the same.

If there is going to be a judgment day I am sure many Iranian political figures are going to be in trouble, including the Rajavi family and Khomeini who should pay for all lives lost and all the human sufferings resulting from their lifetime achievements.

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