Friday, December 01, 2006

This morning we were watching Sesami Street, before my son went to school, the subject of the show was the family and what families do together. One thing that I like about Sesami Street is the multi racial and multi cultural approach they have got by showing people from different backgrounds involved in American life, not just the blonds. This morning when they were showing kids and families they showed a gay couple with their kid as well. I don’t like that; I don’t know how you could explain it to your kid, what is normal and what is not? It all depends on who you are and how you think about certain things; a gay family is not a fact unlike "brushing your teeth is good for you", which is a fact.

I believe that it is very important to make kids understand that not everything, which is shown on TV or told in school, is right and kids always should be critical and use different resources to deal with different concepts and especially new ideas,

Meanwhile in case my son asks about the kind of reunion we saw on TV this morning, I will tell him that a gay family is fake, is not true.

At the same time we continue to watch Sesami Street that is a great program.

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