Friday, February 23, 2007

My impression of the current conflicts over Iran:
The whole fuss over the Iran's nuclear activities and terrorism link allegations are because of:
1-The kind of relationship Iranian government has established with the Israeli government and vice verso.
2-The urgency to find a scape goat for George W. Bush (super strong ass saver!) to alleviate the consequences of the negative reactions to his teribble performance in Iraq.
3-Ahmadi Nejad's irresponsible and irrelevant comments about Israel and Holocaust.

All the rationals and reasoning offered as why Iran should be confronted by internatonal community are justifications to divert and satify the public opinion.

Iran and Iranians could take initiative to reduce the pressure first by getting rid of Ahmadi Nejad (not give up thier rights!) through democratic processes, impeachment? maybe.
Then the government could show a more conciliatory pose tward Israel, possible? why not, I don't see any problem in that,
Iranian government should have understood by now that most arab countries could not be her allies, either because of the religion or strong pan Arab feelings, in case of Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf countries both reasons are relevant. Open up and bow to people's will, that is the way to go.

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