Monday, May 19, 2003

In my opinion one thing that Iranian people are clear about is violence and extremism. we have been suffering from the very same disease for a long time. It does not matter if you are at North pole or Soth Pole both kill you. Fire and extreme cold are both dangerous. I think the reform mouvement in Iran is the reaction of a nation tired and sick of all black and white images and judgements.
For me Bin Laden and G.W. Bush are two faces of the same coin. The same rule applies to the conservative hardliners in Iran and groups like MKO ( People's Mojahedin based in Iraq). They are the same thing, the same personality, the same approach towards all problems, violence. These guys' difference is in a plus or minus sign, the absolute value is the same, they hurt. They need each other for exictence, they can't live without the other extreme. The slogan is "you are with me or you are my enemy". They are far from everybody. People caught in the middle of the conflict are far from all extremes and by defenitioin they are conceived as enemy.

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