Tuesday, March 06, 2007

There is something I don't like about the way hoder is doing his stuff against the war. Instead of concentrating on the fact that the war is not the solution to anything and that just ads to the problems (whatever they are), He is defending the Iranian government and bashing all kind of dissident activity, I don't think the Iranian government is defendable at all, the same is true for Bush and his international adventurism, both side are doing wrong stuff and unfortunately people will pay for any eventual break out of war.

Friday, February 23, 2007

My impression of the current conflicts over Iran:
The whole fuss over the Iran's nuclear activities and terrorism link allegations are because of:
1-The kind of relationship Iranian government has established with the Israeli government and vice verso.
2-The urgency to find a scape goat for George W. Bush (super strong ass saver!) to alleviate the consequences of the negative reactions to his teribble performance in Iraq.
3-Ahmadi Nejad's irresponsible and irrelevant comments about Israel and Holocaust.

All the rationals and reasoning offered as why Iran should be confronted by internatonal community are justifications to divert and satify the public opinion.

Iran and Iranians could take initiative to reduce the pressure first by getting rid of Ahmadi Nejad (not give up thier rights!) through democratic processes, impeachment? maybe.
Then the government could show a more conciliatory pose tward Israel, possible? why not, I don't see any problem in that,
Iranian government should have understood by now that most arab countries could not be her allies, either because of the religion or strong pan Arab feelings, in case of Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf countries both reasons are relevant. Open up and bow to people's will, that is the way to go.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

What puts my ass on fire (I mean pisses me off!!) is that some people categorize Iran in the same group as Al Qaida, Hey even Saddam; the criminal that we knew, did not belong to that category.
I am not trying to say Iran is the heaven on earth and there are no problems at all, what I am saying is that Iran is not Hell either, somewhere in the middle, maybe worse than many places in west but still better than many places in middle east. Iran is struggling with many internal issues regrding the economy and politics (you can see the reflections at internatonal levels too) that I believe are curable, if Iranian people are left alone to handle it,
Extremism is not an element of Iranian tradition, that is very important to understand, it is a transient movement that might occasionally surface but it eventually fades out.
That is very unlike Saudi Arabia, the spiritual homeland of actual Muslim extremism (Wahhabi sect). It is based on extreme and rigid interpretations of the religion, Wahhabis have a consistent history of thinking that way for a long time.
No War!
Let's not get emotional and think a little bit about the consequences of the war, that is aweul, I try not to think about that and instead think of what I can do as an Iranian living abroad to help prevent the catastrophy.
What ever the problem is, war is not the solution, any war is painful, again both sides with a bit of flexibility and long term vision can prevent that.
It is a big misunderestanding from both sides, both US and Iran government are acting too rigid dealing with this issue,
War is not the solution to anything.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I was reading the posts in response to something Hoder had written in Washington post website (or something like that), many of the posts are irrelevant to what he had written (many have mistaken Iranian nationalism with Islamic abidance), however the good thing is that in those posts you could read the personal opinions of average people (I am not sure if I can say that) regarding Iran and the present crisis.
One thing you conclude right away is that the propaganda has worked out perfectly, now there is no talking of Al Qaida, Ossama Bin Laden is forgotten and Iran is the bad guy.
Unbelievable, if people could think a bit independently!
At the same time I blame people like Ahmadi Nejad with stupid and irresponsible behaviors that make the anti Iranian propaganda easy to absorb. This is the best time for him to be sacked out of government and go study some politics,
Hope no war happens,
I hope American administration remembers and does something about the fact that in september 11th AlQaida surprisingly attacked and killed about 3000 american civilians, they have directly or indirectly killed almost the same number of soldiers in Iraq.
AlQaida is the problem not Iran,
Is anybody somehow related to American administration trying to protect AlQaida and their spritual homeland, Saudi's butt?

Monday, February 19, 2007

My conspiracy theory!
One painful fact which is very difficult for Bush's administration to admit is that AlQaida has got the US army and policy in a deep hole in Iraq, mostly due to the existing ethnic and religious differences and lack of understanding among the US administration on and off the field.
To scape the pain Bush and his guys are exaggerating the role of Iran in the whole region and specially the unrest in Iraq. They (Bush and Neo-Cons) are trying to portray Iran as the main cause of their failure, to make Americans believe that the failure is not (which is!) a result of the terrorist activities of AlQaida and the terrible handling of that matter by American administration.
In all these I blame Iranian president too, for not being smart enough (as a matter of fact for being stupid and selfish) to keep the nation away from all this crap and instead by talking irresponsibly about the most irrelevant subjects to Iranian nation, he has helped a lot to de-humanize this nation in eyes of the world public opinion.
have a look at this:
BBC Documentary: The Iran that we don't know!

The news about Iran is not so good these days, God knows where we are heading to!
One thing that bothers me is how things are exaggerated from both sides, the extremely negative image that American administration and western media in general are successfully projecting of Iran, is really exaggerated, thanks to stupid and childish comments of Ahmadi Nejad, who instead of resolving the issues talks like an hot brain irresponsible teenager, not a president of a country.
What bothers me is that he seems to have forgotten the experience of the war with Iraq, how many people died, and even now how much our people are suffering from the consequences of those years,
If there was only a bit of realism and nationalism involved in Ahmadi Nejad, he would not talk like that,
He is a serious contributor in making a exaggerated negative image of Iran in public opinion of west, so if one day there is an attack, there won't be too much regret or serious protest, as what happened in Iraq, the only positive thing about what happened in Iraq is that Saddam is gone, but the balance is so negative that without any doubt that was not worth at all.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Life is strange, I have had lots of surprises regarding life and death so far,
in high school and university I lost three of my close friends, two to the cancer and one to the war,
When I was in Canada an ex colleague send me a clinical document of his son fighting with cancer asking me if I could go and look for any cure and new medication for his son, his son eventually died, sometime later I lost my son too, and now my mom is in the last stages of cancer. I have no Idea, whatsoever, I don't dare bring it up when I talk to here, she knows something is happening and all the chemotherapy and stuff has been stopped for some reason, after six years of fight her brain is engaged now, and it is a matter of luck as how long would take her to go down (or Up, depends on how you see it).
She is a brave lady the only thing I am praying for is that she pass through it quick, no pain no loss of dignity.
What am I suppose to do? I am not even going to see her for a last visit, I don't dare,
Thank God we have Denise here, a dear one goes, a dear one comes and you have a combination of happiness and sadness with you, weired feeling.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I wish Ahmadi Nejad was a fraction of Mosharaf thinking about the national interest of his country!
Have you noticed how Iran is linked to terrorism lately? Thanks to organized American political machine and the extreme stupidity of Ahmadi Nejad. I don't believe Iran is supporting any terrorist group in an organized way, why? because I am Iranian and I know we are not that organized and serious about anything,
There has always been certain level of animosity between the western media and Iran, even during the period of Shah (of course mush less than what we have now). The Iranian governments have been pictured much worse than what they actually were. It looks like that we are a good subject for scary stories in western papers. I was looking at some of Shah's interviews with ABC ( on youtube) and the f*&%ing reporter was questioning him as if he was talking to Adolf Hitler. At the same time nobody talked (talks) about Saudi Arabia and the real Tyrants just because they were (are) were paying their commissions to the west. Even now Iranian government is not as bad as what is pictured in the media, at least to west and rest of world,

I do agree with Hoder when he says Iran should strategically be on Israel's side,

Monday, January 15, 2007

This is the new member of our Gang, her name is Denise, means "sea" in Azari

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

We are waiting for the arrival of the newest member of family. My wife is supposed to deliver our baby any time. We have already gone to hospital two times, she has got strong but irregular contractions, might be tonight or tomorrow. This is a girl, I guess we call her Denise, in Turkish (Azari) means Darya and as a common name it exists in French and English as well.
We miss Ryan very much, we are reminded of him and his birth every day all these days. Even though I do not believe in any thing specific in any religion, it is almost impossible to deny the existence of heaven whenever I am thinking of Ryan, I can't accept he is gone or lost.
Anyways I hope her sister is as nice and beautiful as he was, a good reminder of his charm.
In our discussions with my other son Danial, we have concluded that Ryan has gone to Neverland and he has a good time with other boys who will never grow up, we worry a bit about Captain Hook, but Ryan can handle him, he was a smart boy,
